Small Business@IW

The mission of Small Business at IW (SB@IW) is to offer inhouse integrated employment programs to its differently abled members to lead productive and meaningful lives. These programs focus on bringing the work inhouse, into an environment that is 100% conducive for a neurodiverse youth to be productively engaged.

The model is centered on enabling an inclusive environment where neurodiverse members are integrated to work alongside their neurotypical peers to fulfill the purposes of business they participate in. SB@IW ventures to offer both products under the name SB@IW Products and Services, under the name SB@IW Services. 

The SB  Programs operate year-round and hold meetings every weekend. To see the weekend meeting times, please click on the Fall 2024-25 Weekend Schedule button. Additionally, members can work on projects during the weekdays by reserving timeslots to use the center.


SB@IW programs are run all through the year, where enrollment into programs is typically offered July-Aug each year.  See our calendar for more details.

Both members and volunteers sign up for at least 1 weekly hourly session and a 90 minute session on weekends, to fulfill customer orders. 

SB@IW programs are offered at Inclusive World’s Center, at Milpitas. A few activities are enabled to be completed remote/online.

You can sign up to engage in SB@IW Products, where we work on arts and crafts products or in SB@IW Services – Photo Scanning program, where we offer high quality scanning services for photographs to chronicle memories of life. 

  1. Each member and volunteer signs up for at least 2 activities as listed below:
SB@IW Products SB@IW – Photo Scanning Services
  • Marketing
  • Customer facing Order Management
  • Sourcing raw materials from different suppliers
  • Making products
  • Quality Assurance
  • Labeling and Packaging
  • Shipping
  • Managing Inventory (Raw materials and Finished Products)
  • Marketing
  • Customer facing order management
  • Scanning and labeling 
  • Bin management
  • Online folder management
  • Quality assurance
  • Shipping including packing

Yes, you can enroll in more than one SB@IW program and skill development and employment services offered at Inclusive World. Roles will be assigned on a first-come first serve basis.

SB@IW Products has no prerequisites beyond your interest in arts and crafts and entrepreneurship. Members and volunteers who enroll for SB@IW Photo Scanning Services are encouraged to have some skills in using a scanner, a laptop, and navigating Google Drive for storing, labeling and organizing images.

You can reach us at if you have any other specific question.

SB@IW Products 

Where Members learn all aspects of running a small business – from procurement of raw materials to sale of finished products. Members work on a variety of arts and craft products and can choose to hone their skills in one or more aspects of a small business, in a customer order based model.

Members and volunteers in the program commit to at least one weekday session for an hour and a 90 minutes session each weekend, all year around, to fulfill customer orders. Inclusive World heavily relies on the support of families of its members and/or their aide to enable a member to be productively engaged at SB@IW, on the premises of Inclusive World’s Center, Milpitas, CA.

Members and Volunteers interested in engaging in this program are encouraged to have interests and skills in Art related projects (painting, stamping etc.), Marketing, Packaging and Labeling, Shipping and managing physical inventory. SB@IW runs on the dedicated time and effort of its members and volunteers, who need to sign up for at least 2 or more of the following important roles and activities:

  • Marketing
  • Customer facing Order Management
  • Sourcing raw materials from different suppliers
  • Making products
  • Quality Assurance
  • Labeling and Packaging
  • Shipping
  • Managing Inventory (Raw materials and Finished Products)

Roles will be assigned on a first come first basis on enrollment.

SB@IW Services

SB@ IW Services is a program where differently abled youth members and volunteers of Inclusive World, come together to offer varied market services run on an order based business model. SB@IW Photo Scanning is a program that offers high quality scanning services for photographs that need to be preserved, to chronicle memories of life. Old photos in danger of fading, or being forgotten or lost or damaged, are scanned, organized in a digital format that ensures these life memories are safe.

Members and volunteers in the program commit to at least one weekday session for an hour and a 90 minutes session each weekend, all year around, to fulfill customer orders. Inclusive World heavily relies on the support of families of its members and/or their aide to enable a member to be productively engaged at SB@IW, on the premises of Inclusive World’s Center, Milpitas, CA.

Members and volunteers interested in engaging in this program are encouraged to have skills in using a scanner, laptop, using Google Drive for storing, labeling and organizing images. SB@IW runs on the dedicated time and effort of its members and volunteers, who need to sign up for at least 2 or more of the following important roles and activities:

  • Marketing
  • Customer facing order management
  • Scanning and labeling 
  • Bin management
  • Online folder management
  • Quality assurance
  • Shipping including packing

Roles will be assigned on a first come first basis on enrollment. 

All members and volunteers will undergo training before being deployed in scanning projects. Training is offered as part of the annual fall enrollment into Inclusive World’s programs.